Una rutina para las separaciones
“Cuando decimos adiós, no es para siempre. Cuando decimos adiós, no es el fin. Solo quiere decir que te extrañaré hasta que nos veamos de nuevo.”
¡El decir adiós puede ser difícil para todos!
You have probably experienced the clinging, clutching, and crying that often accompany a goodbye. Babies, and sometimes even toddlers, don’t make it easy for you to leave—even for a quick run to the store. Being upset when you’re not with them is perfectly normal, and can start at any time during the first three years.…
La ansiedad de separación es normal
Initially, you’re the center of your child’s universe. Your newborn is totally dependent on you, and imagines that you are an extension of her. At around four months old, your child begins to realize that you are separate from her. This new awareness makes it difficult for her to understand that you still exist whenever…
El decir adiós le ayuda a su hijo
You may be tempted to sneak out and avoid a scene, but that only tends to make your child more anxious. You can ease separations that are painful for both of you by establishing a consistent way to say goodbye, much as you might have already done to ease the stress of bedtime. The repetition…
Usar objetos transicionales para mantener la conexión
Like Charlie Brown’s best friend Linus and his blue security blanket, children often find comfort in the familiar, soft touch of a lovie or cuddly toy. These items are called transitional objects. People of all ages use transitional objects, ranging from students taking their stuffed animal to college to adults with heirlooms that have special…
Cómo crear una rutina para decir adiós, usando la Experiencia CuddleBright®
• Designate a special place in your house, like your child’s room, where you can focus on each other for a few minutes before you say goodbye. • Give your child a heads-up. Sit at eye level, look into her eyes, and calmly tell her, “Mommy will be leaving in five minutes.” (Hold up five…
Recursos para leer más
Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Volume 1. New York, NY: Basic Books. Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (n.d.). Key concepts: Brain architecture. Retrieved from http://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/brain-architecture/ Kaplan, L.J. (1978). Oneness and separateness: From infant to individual. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Kopp, C. B. (1982, March). Antecedents of self-regulation: A developmental…