Guía para padres

Guía para padres

El arte de estar presente

Usar sus ojos y oídos

“Este momento, tal como todos, es un muy buen momento, pero solo si sabemos qué hacer con él.”


  • Los beneficios de la atención completa

    Children cherish undivided attention. When you give your child your full attention, you are letting him know he is important to you. Your undivided attention strengthens your relationship, increases your child’s self-esteem, and helps you understand him better. Still, with busy schedules and our modern, plugged-in lifestyles, giving our undivided attention has become rare. Revive…

  • Usar sus ojos y oídos

    • Being fully engaged with your child is paramount. Use your Eyes and Ears to help you stay focused—look, listen, and respond to your child. • When you engage with your child, put away technology and try to resist multitasking. • Clear your mind of other thoughts and feelings so you can be present with…

  • Actividades para estar presente

    • Take your child for a walk. Share the experience together by using all of your senses and pointing out the smells of the flowers, the feel of the wind, the sounds of birds, and the beautiful colors of nature. Each time your child uses one of his five senses, a neural connection is made…

  • Recursos para leer más

    National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2007). The timing and quality of early experiences combine to shapebrain architecture: Working paper #5. Retrieved from

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