What is Imitation in Babies & Why is it Important?
An excerpt from the behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Andrew Meltzoff at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Types of Play & Why They Matter
An excerpt from the behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
The Importance of the Parent Child Relationship
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Pat Kuhl at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Infants & Communication
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Pat Kuhl at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Brain Development in the First Three Years
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Pat Levitt at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Impact of Parent Stress on the Infant
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Sonya Lupien at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Routines & Executive Functions
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Stephanie Carlson at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Do Parent & Child Need to Be in Sync 100% of the Time?
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Ruth Feldman at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Brain Development & Self Regulation
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Pat Levitt at the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank
Importance of a Child Feeling Known
Excerpt from behind-the-scenes interview with Dr. Arietta Slade from the 2018 Simms/Mann Institute Think Tank